Through “Hear Her Out” Program, we, the Cocoon Breakers, hope to debunk common misconceptions and stigma regarding women undergoing Plastic Surgery. Some people may deem the procedure vanity and lack of self-confidence; however, I maintain that Plastic Surgery is women’s choice, and by no means should anyone criticize them for the intention.

In our first season, we would like to interview women who had undergone these procedures to gain insights into their personal stories and challenges they encountered so that we could encourage other women to make up their mind without being influenced by criticism and discrimination.

Loving yourself does not mean that you could never change anything about your appearance; as long as you feel more pretty and confident about yourself after plastic surgeries, no one could judge you for that. Likewise, don’t opt for Plastic Surgery only because of social beauty standards, please do it to your own wish!

So, if Plastic Surgery or anything else could improve your self-esteem, go for it and take mind off any negative remarks!

“Cocoon Breakers” are always here to help you feel even more confident. Love yourself, women!

“Cocoon Breakers Project”

Stay tuned for our upcoming articles about these interviews on the “Plastic Surgery” section!

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