About me

Hi, I’m Uyen

Founder of “Cocoon Breakers” project. 

Ever since I realized how Asian women and children have not only undergone myriad assumptions from the outside society, but are also expected to stick to the social stereotypes, my dream to defy such stereotypes was nurtured. I therefore create this website with the hope to change people’s perspective about Asian women and children, concentrating on 2 aspects: Plastic Surgery and Autism. 

The Story of “Cocoon Breakers”

​”Plastic Surgery & Autism: Break the stereotypes.”

We – the “Cocoon Breakers” – encourage Asian women and children, particularly women who underwent, or will undergo, plastic surgery and autistic infants to overcome harsh stereotypes from the society.

Two main activities of “Cocoon Breakers” Project are “Autism Allies 2023” and “Hear Her Out 2023”.

“Autism Allies 2023” is an integration platform including:

  • A forum that allows parents who have autistic children at different ages to share their stories and difficulties and also gain helpful advice from other parents alongside experienced therapists.
  • The first app in Vietnam aimed at improving autistic children’s cognitive capacity and communication skills through self-designed social stories and concise exercises.

“Hear Her Out 2023” is an interview series aimed at hearing personal experiences, challenges, and prejudices that Vietnamese women are confronted with when opting for Plastic Surgery.

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